Naja auf jeden Fall war bei diesem Slam noch zwei Special-Guests da, Jake Shimabukuro - ein sehr bekannter (mir vorher unbekannt..) Ukulele Musiker, scheint schon sehr berühmt zu sein denn er ist schon bei NBC's The Late Show mit Conan O'Brien aufgetreten. Lohnt sich aber auf jeden Fall mal zu hören - der hats echt drauf!
Der nächste Special Guest war Beau Sia, (beschreibung siehe unten) ich hab mich gekrümmt vor lachen :)) -- Beau Sia. One of the most well known slam poets in the world. He was a member of the original Broadway cast for the Tony Award winning Def Poetry Jam, he was one of the featured poets in the landmark movie Slamnation, he made an appearance alongside Saul Williams in the movie Slam, and he won two National Poetry Slam championships throughout his slam career.
MeetIN ?
Eine Erklärung von Mickey, einem Honolulu-Chapter Member (besser hätt ich es nicht erklären können)
I have been hearing from a major MEETin city chapter that another social groups that charge a huge yearly fee to be a member has been sending out e-mails to MEETin members saying “you can not meet new friends with out paying a fee”. In fact they said our event planner can not do a good job because they do not get paid. Now look at these photos of hundreds of free events. Each one of these events does not make one cent on and you tell me that you have to pay a fee to make friends. I say no way my friend. Our event planners care more then anyone because they are doing this not for money but to meet new friends themselves and to help others. Just look at these photos. has so many diverse events in so many cities and countries. is to social networking what Linux is to windows. We do not want to be the next Friendster or Myspace that’s not what MEETin is all about. MEETin is not a dating site. Our mission is simple help others make friends with out charging a toll. We just want to help great people make great friends. That’s what we have been doing now for over 4 years now. Thanks to our 800 plus event planners that put in so much to make this site work, thanks to our donors who keep the servers running and thanks to our 63,000 plus members world wide that help make every event a success.
Soviel von mir, ich gebe zurück ins Studio.
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